Arch Linux Update Helper

Keeping your Arch Linux system up to date is a good habit, and something you should definitively be doing. It can however become time consuming (specially if you do it on a weekly basis), reason enough to postpone it for too long.

This script will guide you intuitively through the update process, tidy after it, and also optimize your pacman package manager.

Great tutorial for the Microchip PIC24 family

This is a quick heads-up. I found a really well-written and in-depth guide for Microchip's PIC24 microcontroller family. It covers everything, from I²C and timers, to the WDT and power-modes, shining light on the huge potential of these tiny 16-bit chips.

The original page with the original posts (Engscope) has gone. Luckily, you can still read the whole the archived version of the full guides. So, have fun, and don't hesitate to share your favorite guides in the comments.

Fancy bash prompt with colors

Read full article: Fancy bash prompt

I got bored of the normal bash promt a long time ago, which lead me to configure my .bashrc to betther highlight terminal inputs. Still, I used to see some terminal on the net with a very fancy looking bash promt that I found really appealing. After some googling I decided to give it a go and try to generate my own. All it takes is a fancy triangle character to create the colored overlaps, shown in the above figure, and some tweaking. All in all, the end result speaks for itself.

Check out my implementation after the break, and leave a comment if you like it or want to make some suggestions to further improve it!

Update: a new and easy to install version can be found here.