Wouldn't it be nice that every time you open up a terminal (or log in remotely), you would be greeted by a general overview of your system's health? Well, with this tool you can address this very problem.
This is a simple bash script that displays on top of new terminals a simple summary of your system's specs (useful if its a remote machine you just logged in) and a summary of your systems current load. Moreover, if the load is high, the color will change to draw your attention quickly, and when possible, will display what is causing the problem. Such as a report of CPU hungry processor an error report if a systemctl service has failed to load.
This is a simple bash script that displays on top of new terminals a simple summary of your system's specs (useful if its a remote machine you just logged in) and a summary of your systems current load. Moreover, if the load is high, the color will change to draw your attention quickly, and when possible, will display what is causing the problem. Such as a report of CPU hungry processor an error report if a systemctl service has failed to load.
You can find the latest iteration of this script in my GIT repository, among many other useful bash scripts; including this fancy bash prompt with triangles and colors.
To install it, simply copy the following text into your user's .bashrc file, or if you prefer to keep things tidy, paste it and source it with a new .bash_greeter.sh file by running this commands:
To install it, simply copy the following text into your user's .bashrc file, or if you prefer to keep things tidy, paste it and source it with a new .bash_greeter.sh file by running this commands:
nano ~/.bash_greeter.sh
echo "source ~/.bash_greeter.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
echo "source ~/.bash_greeter.sh" >> ~/.bashrc
#!/bin/bash ## +-----------------------------------+-----------------------------------+ ## | | ## | CLEAN BASH SYSTEM STATUS REPORT | ## | | ## | Copyright (c) 2019, Andres Gongora <mail@andresgongora.com>. | ## | | ## | This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify | ## | it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by | ## | the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or | ## | (at your option) any later version. | ## | | ## | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, | ## | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of | ## | MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the | ## | GNU General Public License for more details. | ## | | ## | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License | ## | along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. | ## | | ## +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ ## ## DESCRIPTION: ## This scripts prints to terminal a summary of your systems' status. This ## includes basic information about the OS and the CPU, as well as ## system resources, possible errors, and suspicions system activity. ## ## ## CUSTOMIZATION: ## Scroll down to the CUSTOMIZATION section to modify the logo and colors. ## ## ## INSTALLATION: ## Simply copy and paste this file into your ~/.bashrc file, or source ## it externally (recommended). ## ## ## TODO ## Add a menu script that allows me to run some extra diagnostics, or ## by default (hitting enter), go into a simple terminal. ## Said options could include stuff like: ## journalctl -p 3 -xb ## netstat -atp #add -n to show IPs instead of host names ## find -xtype l -print # Find broken symlinks ## dmesg -TP --level=err,crit,alert,emerg ## ## ## SOURCES ## https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/System_maintenance ## https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/125726/important-scripts-useful-for-a-linux-system-administrator ## ## ============================================================================= ## COLOR DEFINITIONS ## ============================================================================= ## REGULAR COLOROS K='\033[0;30m' # black R='\033[0;31m' # red G='\033[0;32m' # green Y='\033[0;33m' # yellow B='\033[0;34m' # blue M='\033[0;35m' # magenta C='\033[0;36m' # cyan W='\033[0;37m' # white ## BOLDFACE COLORS BFK='\033[1;30m' BFR='\033[1;31m' BFG='\033[1;32m' BFY='\033[1;33m' BFB='\033[1;34m' BFM='\033[1;35m' BFC='\033[1;36m' BFW='\033[1;37m' BFO='\033[38;5;208m' # Orange bold BFT='\033[38;5;118m' # Toxic green ## BACKGROUND COLORS BGK='\033[40m' BGR='\033[41m' BGG='\033[42m' BGY='\033[43m' BGB='\033[44m' BGM='\033[45m' BGC='\033[46m' BGW='\033[47m' NC='\033[0m' # NO COLOR ## ============================================================================= ## CUSTOMIZATION ## ============================================================================= ## COLORS COLOR_INFO=${W} # INFO COLOR_HL=${BFB} # HIGHLIGHT COLOR_CRIT=${BFY} # CRITICAL COLOR_DCO=${BFW} # DECORATION COLOR_OK=${BFB} # OK STATUS COLOR_ERR=${BFO} # ERROR COLOR_LOGO=${BFB} # LOGO ## LOGOS LOGO_01="${COLOR_LOGO} -oydNMMMMNdyo- ${NC}" LOGO_02="${COLOR_LOGO} -yNMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNy- ${NC}" LOGO_03="${COLOR_LOGO} .hMMMMMMmhsooshmMMMMMMh. ${NC}" LOGO_04="${COLOR_LOGO} :NMMMMmo. .omMMMMN: ${NC}" LOGO_05="${COLOR_LOGO} -NMMMMs -+ss+- sMMMMN- ${NC}" LOGO_06="${COLOR_LOGO} hMMMMs -mMMMMMMm- sMMMMh ${NC}" LOGO_07="${COLOR_LOGO}'MMMMM. 'NMMMMMMMMN' .MMMMM'${NC}" LOGO_08="${COLOR_LOGO}'MMMMM. 'NMMMMMMMMN' yMMMM'${NC}" LOGO_09="${COLOR_LOGO} hMMMMs -mMMMMMMMMy. -yMh ${NC}" LOGO_10="${COLOR_LOGO} -NMMMMs -+ss+yMMMMy. -. ${NC}" LOGO_11="${COLOR_LOGO} :NMMMMmo. .yMMMMy. ${NC}" LOGO_12="${COLOR_LOGO} .hMMMMMMmhsoo- .yMMMy ${NC}" LOGO_13="${COLOR_LOGO} -yNMMMMMMMMMy- .o- ${NC}" LOGO_14="${COLOR_LOGO} -oydNMMMMNd/ ${NC}" ## BEHAVIOUR BAR_LENGTH=15 CRIT_CPU_PERCENT=50 CRIT_MEM_PERCENT=75 CRIT_SWAP_PERCENT=25 CRIT_HDD_PERCENT=80 ## ============================================================================= ## ## printBar(CURRENT, MAX, SIZE, CRIT_PERCENT) ## ## Prints a bar that is filled depending on the relation between ## CURRENT and MAX ## ## 1. CURRENT: ammount to display on the bar. ## 2. MAX: ammount that means that the bar should be printed ## completely full. ## 3. SIZE: length of the bar as number of characters. ## 4. CRIT_PERCENT:between 0 and 100. Once the bar is over this percent, it ## changes color. ## printBar() { CURRENT=$1 MAX=$2 SIZE=$3 CRIT_PERCENT=$4 ## COMPUTE VARIABLES NUM_BARS=$(($SIZE * $CURRENT / $MAX)) CRIT_NUM_BARS=$(($SIZE * $CRIT_PERCENT / 100)) BAR_COLOR=$COLOR_OK if [ $NUM_BARS -gt $CRIT_NUM_BARS ]; then BAR_COLOR=$COLOR_ERR fi ## PRINT BAR printf "${COLOR_DCO}[${BAR_COLOR}" i=0 while [ $i -lt $NUM_BARS ]; do printf "|" i=$[$i+1] done while [ $i -lt $SIZE ]; do printf " " i=$[$i+1] done printf "${COLOR_DCO}]${NC}" ## PRINT BAR -> As background elements. Might be nicer... ???? #printf "${BGW} " #i=0 #while [ $i -lt $NUM_BARS ]; do # printf " " # i=$[$i+1] #done #printf "${NC}" #while [ $i -lt $SIZE ]; do # printf " " # i=$[$i+1] #done #printf "${NC}" } printLastLogins() { printf "${COLOR_HL}\nLAST LOGINS:\n${COLOR_INFO}" last -iwa | head -n 4 | grep -v "reboot" } ## ============================================================================= ## STATUS MESSAGES ## ============================================================================= ## KERNEL INFO KERNEL=$(uname -r) KERNEL=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Kernel\t\t${COLOR_HL}$KERNEL${NC}") ## SHELL SHELL=$(readlink /proc/$$/exe) SHELL=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Shell\t\t${COLOR_HL}$SHELL${NC}") ## CPU INFO CPU=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | uniq | cut -f1 -d "@") CPU="${CPU#*:}" CPU=$(echo "$CPU" | sed 's/ */ /g') # Trim spaces CPU=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}CPU\t\t${COLOR_HL}${CPU:1}${NC}") ## OS DISTRO NAME OS=$(cat /etc/*-release | grep PRETTY_NAME) OS="${OS#*=}" OS=$(echo "$OS" | sed 's/"//g') # remove " characters OS=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}OS\t\t${COLOR_HL}$OS${NC}") ## SYS DATE SYSDATE=$(date) SYSDATE=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Date\t\t${COLOR_HL}$SYSDATE${NC}") ## LOGIN LOGIN=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Login\t\t${COLOR_HL}$USER@$HOSTNAME${NC}") ## LOCAL IP LOCALIP=$(ifconfig | sed -En 's/;s/.*inet (addr:)?(([0-9]*\.){3}[0-9]*).*/\2/p') LOCALIP=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Local IP\t${COLOR_HL}$LOCALIP${NC}") ## EXTERNAL IP EXTERNALIP=$(dig +short myip.opendns.com @resolver1.opendns.com) EXTERNALIP=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}External IP\t${COLOR_HL}$EXTERNALIP${NC}") ## SYSTEM CTL FAILED TO LOAD NUM_FAILED=$(systemctl --failed | head -c 1) if [ "$NUM_FAILED" -eq "0" ]; then SYSCTL=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}SystemCTL\t${COLOR_HL}All services OK${NC}") else SYSCTL=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}SystemCTL\t${COLOR_ERR}$NUM_FAILED services failed!${NC}") fi PAD=" " ## CPU LOAD CPU_AVG=$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{avg_1m=($1)} END {printf "%3.0f", avg_1m}') CPU_MAX=$(cat /proc/cpuinfo | awk '/^processor/{print $3}' | wc -l) CPU_BAR=$(printBar $CPU_AVG $CPU_MAX $BAR_LENGTH $CRIT_CPU_PERCENT) CPU_PER=$(cat /proc/loadavg | awk '{printf "%3.0f\n",$1*100}') CPU_PER=$(($CPU_PER / $CPU_MAX)) CPU_LOAD=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Sys load avg\t$CPU_BAR ${COLOR_HL}${CPU_PER:0:9} %%${NC}") ## MEMORY MEM_INFO=$(free -m | head -n 2 | tail -n 1) MEM_CURRENT=$(echo "$MEM_INFO" | awk '{mem=($2-$7)} END {printf "%4.0f", mem}') MEM_MAX=$(echo "$MEM_INFO" | awk '{mem=($2)} END {printf "%1.0f", mem}') MEM_BAR=$(printBar $MEM_CURRENT $MEM_MAX $BAR_LENGTH $CRIT_MEM_PERCENT) MEM_MAX=$MEM_MAX$PAD MEM_USAGE=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Memory\t\t$MEM_BAR ${COLOR_HL}$MEM_CURRENT${COLOR_INFO}/${COLOR_HL}${MEM_MAX:0:4} MB${NC}") ## SWAP SWAP_INFO=$(free -m | tail -n 1) SWAP_CURRENT=$(echo "$SWAP_INFO" | awk '{SWAP=($3)} END {printf "%4.0f", SWAP}') SWAP_MAX=$(echo "$SWAP_INFO" | awk '{SWAP=($2)} END {printf "%1.0f", SWAP}') SWAP_BAR=$(printBar $SWAP_CURRENT $SWAP_MAX $BAR_LENGTH $CRIT_SWAP_PERCENT) SWAP_MAX=$SWAP_MAX$PAD SWAP_USAGE=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Swap\t\t$SWAP_BAR ${COLOR_HL}$SWAP_CURRENT${COLOR_INFO}/${COLOR_HL}${SWAP_MAX:0:4} MB${NC}") ## HDD / ROOT_CURRENT=$(df -BG / | grep "/" | awk '{key=($3)} END {printf "%4.0f", key}') ROOT_MAX=$(df -BG "/" | grep "/" | awk '{key=($2)} END {printf "%1.0f", key}') ROOT_BAR=$(printBar $ROOT_CURRENT $ROOT_MAX $BAR_LENGTH $CRIT_HDD_PERCENT) ROOT_MAX=$ROOT_MAX$PAD ROOT_USAGE=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Storage /\t$ROOT_BAR ${COLOR_HL}$ROOT_CURRENT${COLOR_INFO}/${COLOR_HL}${ROOT_MAX:0:4} GB${NC}") ## HDD /home HOME_CURRENT=$(df -BG ~ | grep "/" | awk '{key=($3)} END {printf "%4.0f", key}') HOME_MAX=$(df -BG ~ | grep "/" | awk '{key=($2)} END {printf "%1.0f", key}') HOME_BAR=$(printBar $HOME_CURRENT $HOME_MAX $BAR_LENGTH $CRIT_HDD_PERCENT) HOME_MAX=$HOME_MAX$PAD HOME_USAGE=$(echo -e "${COLOR_INFO}Storage /home\t$HOME_BAR ${COLOR_HL}$HOME_CURRENT${COLOR_INFO}/${COLOR_HL}${HOME_MAX:0:4} GB${NC}") ## ============================================================================= WIDTH=$(tput cols) printHeader() { if [ "$WIDTH" -gt 90 ]; then printf "\n\r" printf " $LOGO_01\t$OS \n\r" printf " $LOGO_02\t$KERNEL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_03\t$CPU \n\r" printf " $LOGO_04\t$SHELL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_05\t$SYSDATE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_06\t$LOGIN \n\r" printf " $LOGO_07\t$LOCALIP \n\r" printf " $LOGO_08\t$EXTERNALIP \n\r" printf " $LOGO_09\t$SYSCTL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_10\t$CPU_LOAD \n\r" printf " $LOGO_11\t$MEM_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_12\t$SWAP_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_13\t$ROOT_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_14\t$HOME_USAGE \n\r\n\r" else printf "\n\r" printf " $LOGO_01 $OS \n\r" printf " $LOGO_02 $KERNEL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_03 $CPU \n\r" printf " $LOGO_04 $SHELL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_05 $SYSDATE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_06 $LOGIN \n\r" printf " $LOGO_07 $LOCALIP \n\r" printf " $LOGO_08 $EXTERNALIP \n\r" printf " $LOGO_09 $SYSCTL \n\r" printf " $LOGO_10 $CPU_LOAD \n\r" printf " $LOGO_11 $MEM_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_12 $SWAP_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_13 $ROOT_USAGE \n\r" printf " $LOGO_14 $HOME_USAGE \n\r\n\r" fi } printSystemctl() { NUM_FAILED=$(systemctl --failed | head -c 1) if [ ! "$NUM_FAILED" -eq "0" ]; then printf "\n\r${COLOR_HL}SYSTEMCTL STATUS: ${COLOR_ERR}At least one service failed to load!!${NC}\n\r" systemctl --failed fi } printTop() { if [ $CPU_PER -gt $CRIT_CPU_PERCENT ]; then TOP=$(top -b -d 5 -w 80| head -n 11) LOAD=$(echo "$TOP" | head -n 3 | tail -n 1) HEAD=$(echo "$TOP" | head -n 7 | tail -n 1) PROC=$(echo "$TOP" | tail -n 4 | grep -v "top") printf "\n\r${COLOR_HL}SYSTEM LOAD:${COLOR_INFO} ${LOAD:8:35}${COLOR_HL}\n\r" echo "$HEAD" printf "${COLOR_INFO}$PROC${NC}" fi } ## ============================================================================= clear printHeader #printLastLogins printSystemctl printTop # EOF
Hey everyone. I noticed a small bug in the script. When a service has failed, the output might get a bit mangled. I'll fix it ASAP. If you find any error, please let me know and I'll add the fix and your name to the script.
ReplyDeleteAlso, remember to check the git repository out, you'll always find the latest iteration of my scripts there.