TMUX: better mouse support

Continuing my TMUX series, this time we will add better mouse support to your TMUX. (I also works over SSH if your local machine has a mouse).

You will add following functionality to your mouse:

  • Resize panels draging on borders
  • Select active panel with left click
  • Zoom panel with right click
  • Create window with right click on status bar
  • Drag and interchange panels
  • Drag windows
  • Close panels with mouse-wheel click
  • Close windows on the status bar with mouse-whell click

Mouse image taken from pixabay.

Install a theme

The same as last time: edit the tmux.conf file, save it, and finally tell TMUX to reload it.

$ gedit ~/.tmux.conf
$ tmux -f ~/.tmux.conf

Mouse configuration

##                              MOUSE CONFIGURATION                           ##

setw -g mouse on

## Mouse scroll
## If already in copy mode send mouse event x3
## else if program is capturing mouse, simulate mouse with up strokes
## else (in normal tmux) enter copy mode
bind-key -n WheelUpPane \
 if-shell -Ft= "#{?pane_in_mode,1,#{?mouse_button_flag}}" \
  "send-keys -Mt=; send-keys -Mt=; send-keys -Mt=" \
  "if-shell -Ft= '#{alternate_on}' \
   'send-keys -t= ^y ^y ^y' \
   'copy-mode -e -t='"
bind-key -n WheelDownPane \
 if-shell -Ft= "#{?pane_in_mode,1,#{?mouse_button_flag}}" \
  "send-keys -Mt=; send-keys -Mt=; send-keys -Mt=" \
  "send-keys -t= ^e ^e ^e"

## Create new window on right click on the status bar on any other window
unbind-key -n MouseDown3Status
bind-key -n MouseDown3Status new-window -a -t=

## Drag windows on the status bar
bind-key -n MouseDrag1Status swap-window -t=

## Drag panes (interchange them)
bind-key -n MouseDrag1Pane swap-pane -dt=

## Close pane with mouse wheel (when released)
bind-key -n MouseUp2Pane kill-pane -t=

## Close window whith wheel (released)
bind-key -n MouseUp2Status kill-window -t=

## Enable mouse with 'm' and disable with 'M'
unbind m
bind m \
 set -g mouse on \;\
 display 'Mouse: ON'
unbind M
bind M \
 set -g mouse off \;\
 display 'Mouse: OFF'
## ZOOM: toggle with right click on pane
unbind-key -n MouseDown3Pane
bind-key -n MouseDown3Pane  resize-pane -Z -t=

Now, I really recommend also adding to your TMUX configuration a cool theme.

1 comment :

  1. Watchout! I stumbled across an error when changing my configuration file for an older system (don't worry, this configuration works just fine for the current TMUX 2).

    The option "mouse on" is only supported by newer TMUX versions. It enables support for all mouse related function. If you however want mouse support on an older TMUX version, use the following options instead:

    ## TMUX configuration file: ~/.tmux.conf
    setw -g mode-mouse on
    setw -g mouse-resize-pane on
    setw -g mouse-select-pane on
    setw -g mouse-select-window on
    setw -g mouse-utf8 on
